Bretton Woods Monetary Institute & Festival

“The aim of the Bretton Woods Conference was the creation of a dynamic world community
in which the peoples of every nation will be able to realize their potentialities in peace.”

Henry Morgenthau, Chairman 1944 Bretton Woods Conference & United States Secretary of the Treasury.

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Image result for E PLuribus Unum

.September 5, 2019

E Pluribus Unum ~ Out of Many, One

Dear President Donald John Trump,
Dear Democratic Candidate, Joseph Biden,
Dear Green Party Presidential Candidate, Howie Hawkins
Dear Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, Jo Jorgensen 
Dear Independent Party Presidential Candidate, Mark Charles

We write from the “Gold Room” of the Mount Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, in the illumined shadow of Mount Kodaakwadjo / Washington.

A warm welcome to attend the September 29th Bretton Woods Global Summit. The summit draws to its conclusion the year-long 75th anniversary commemoration of the original 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, which established our World Bank and International Monetary Fund: the “Bretton Woods Accords”.

In the words of the Chairman of the 1944 gathering, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, the conference’s aim was “the creation of a dynamic world community in which the peoples of every nation will be able to realize their potentialities in peace.”

These words were spoken In the final months of World War II. In attendance at that historic gathering were representatives of 44 nations.

The purpose of the September 29th Global Bretton Woods Summit is to contribute toward the fulfillment of Morgenthau’s vision of peace, peace and prosperity the world over.

Representatives of the nations of the world, beginning with those who attended the original 1944 conference, along with representatives of the then warring nations, have been invited to reconvene in this historic year.

2020 not only concludes, as noted, the 75th anniversary commemoration of the original Bretton Woods Conference. But, as you are well aware, this year marks a decisive election year, within the 400th anniversary year of the Pilgrims arrival at Plymouth Rock,

This September’s summit will introduce the first 21 Century Bretton Woods Accord: The Bretton Woods ~ Concord Resolution”.

Amidst “the issues,” the legion of issues that divide us, “The Bretton Woods ~ Concord Resolution” addresses what we propose is the deeper underlying ISSUE that waits to unite us, the People, We.

Williams Jennings Bryan addressed this ISSUE in his celebrated “Cross of Gold Speech” at the July 9, 1896 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The speech electrified the audience and catapulted Bryan to the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible,
but until this is done there is no other reform that can be accomplished.”

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President Eisenhower picked up on Bryan’s words in his 1953 “Cross of Iron Speech.” 

In an age in which money not only makes the world go ‘round,” but brings our affairs to a grinding halt, Bryan’s words speak to the fact that every fiscal/spending issue — infrastructure, health care, education, the environment, defense, you name it — is, at its root, a money/monetary issue. (Funds are either unavailable or prohibitive in cost.) 

In fact, every worldly issue that has a price-tag attached to it is a monetary/money issue — in, to repeat, an age in which “money makes the world go ‘round.” If this point is clear, the questions, we suggest, become:

  1. What is money, “the money of the Constitution, of ”We the People”?

  2. And how must money work in our financial system, if that system is to serve more than the diminishing 1% — to be healthy and truly prosperous for all?

These question are addressed by the first 21st Century Bretton Woods Accord: The Bretton Woods ~ Concord Resolution.

We commend that accord / resolution to you and to all public servants, servants of the People.

“If ‘We the People’ should indeed prove an entity, a corporate being [imagine]
what power that incorporation might one day represent.”

Catherine Drinker Bowen, The Miracle of Philadelphia


To set the scene for the September 29th Bretton Woods Global Summit, we commend to you Hawthorne’s beloved tale, The Great Stone Face that has been read around the festive family board/table for many a generation. The moral of the tale/story is given voice in the following postscript, dedicated to our children and to the generations to come, “All Our Relations”:

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

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The Old Man of the Mountain, Franconia Notch

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty
to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

In the olden days, the kings, sovereigns issued what was called the “coin of the realm.” Through their sovereign power they controlled the fortunes of the kingdom and, thereby, of all the people in it: their subjects. The times were times of subjection. 

Such subjection, servitude will continue, until We the People claim OUR sovereign power, our inalienable “inheritance”: Life, Liberty and not merely the Pursuit, seemingly endless, of Happiness — but its realization. A happiness few have imagined… caught up as we are in the throes of our “American Dream,” our fitful sleep?

When We the People awaken from, and to, our dream — our true dream, then as surely as day follows night… as surely as the shadows disperse, are illumined, We the People will issue the coin of the new realm. 

Such fortunes will be borne out of the sanctity, sanctity of our exchanges, exchanges of that of value, enduring value: goods that are truly good, services that are a veritable service. Such offerings unto one another will be the revelation of our common wealth, founded in the full faith and credit of the People, We.

When this new day dawns over the land, the redemption of our monetary system and restitution of our common wealth will have come to pass, at long last. With wondrous gazes we will behold a monetary system of, by, and for the People, an ever “New World”.

“America, America, may God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness and every gain divine.”

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The Mount Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods

Photo Gallery from 2015 Bretton Woods Convocation (if password required, enter concordium)